Khorezm Phrasebook

This is the first phrase book ever in English and ‘Khorezmcha’ the language/dialect spoken in Khorezm. Whilst many words and phrases in Khorezmcha are similar to standard Uzbek, there are also some considerable differences. Whilst this phrase book will be of limited use outside of Khorezm, it will definitely smooth your way around the Oasis as local people react with surprise and delight that a foreigner has learnt words in their dialect.
Some phrases in English may sound a little strange such as, ‘What year were you born?’ However, this is how people ask age in Khorezm and has been translated as such to avoid answering with age rather than birth year.

This phrasebook has been written in English and a phonetic attempt at Khorezmcha. Phrases have generally not been translated directly but rather their meaning. So for example ‘Yakhshe geldingizmi?’ is not translated literally, ‘Did you come well?’ but ‘did you have a good trip?
‘Kh’ sounds should be pronounced at the back of the throat, sounding like the ‘ch’ in ‘loch’.
‘R’s are pronounced slightly rolled and similar to ‘L’s.

Print version
Greetings and Goodbyes
Hello (formal) Salamaleykum
Hi (if you’re a man) Salam
Hi (if you’re a woman) Assalam
How are you? Nechiksiz?
Are you good? Yakhshemissiz?
Good thanks, and you? Yakhshe rahmad, uzungiz nechiq?
Good thanks Yakhshe rahmad
Good Yakhshe
Not bad Yomon emas
How’s your health? Sowliklar yakhshemi?
How’s your work? Ishlaringiz yakhshemi?
Thanks Rahmad
Thank you very much Katta Rahmad
‘Don’t tire!’ (said to people hard at work) Harmaynlar
Their response will be: Bor buling!
Did you sleep well? Yakhshe yotubturdingizmi?
Did you rest well? Yakhshe damolgingizmi?
Are you tired? Haradingizmi?
A little
How was your trip? Yakhshe geldingizmi?
Rest well Yakhshe damoling
Thanks for all your help Rahmad yordamingiz ochun
It’s been good meeting you Dunishganimdan shodman
See you later Gurishincha
Goodbye Yakhshe khosh
Until tomorrow Ertanga don
Have a good trip Yolingiz ochiq bolsen
Until next time Songki gun adon
God be with you Houdo yar bolsen
And with you Sizga ham

Basic Vocabulary
Yes Awa
No Yok
Good Yakhshe
Very good Dm yakhshe
Bad Yomon
Very bad Dm yomon
Sorry Ketcherasiz
Never mind Ey zaraliyoke
Please Iltamos
No problem Problema yok
It’s a problem Problem bor
Just a minute Hozer, bir minute
I like … Manga… yokada
I don’t like… Manga… yokmeeda
Okay Yakshe (or) Buladi
Maybe Balke
Come here Baera ger
Today Bugun
Tomorrow Ertang
Yesterday Oksham
In (two) day’s time (Ikki) gun dan kayin
(Three) day’s ago (ooch) gun dan burun
Week Hapta
Month Oy
Year Yil
When? Kachon?
Where? Naerda?
Who? Kim?
Why? Now uchun?
How? Nechiq
What? Now
What’s this? Now bu?
Not at all Bimelal
Stop Durup du

Language Vocabulary
Please speak slowly Astan surlashing
I don’t speak Uzbek Man Uzbekcha bilim man
I speak a little Uzbek Oz bilaman Uzbekcha
Do you understand? Tushundingizmi?
No, I don’t understand Yok, tushunmadum
Do you speak English? Englishcha surlap bilassmi?
Where can I find an interpreter? Nairdan tagimachi topaman?
I don’t know Bilim man
Come with me Geling
What is this in Uzbek? Now bu Uzbekchada?
What is this in your dialect? Now bu Shivingizda?
How do you say that in Uzbek? Neshap aitasiz Uzbekcha?
Can you say that again Yana aiting

Making Acquaintances
What’s your name? Odingiz kim?
My name is… Mani odim …
And what’s your name? Uzingizni odingiz now?
Do you like Khiva? Sizga Khiva yoktami?
Yes, I do Awa manga yokada
How long are you here for? Necha gun durasiz Khivada?
Two days Ikki gun
Where will you go after Khiva? Khivadan kayin nera borjaksiz?
Is this you first time in Khiva? Khivada birinchi gelishingizmi?
What time shall we meet? Saat necheda uchrashamiz?
What year were you born? Nechenchi yilsiz?
I was born in (’72) Man (yetmush ikinchi) yilman
Where are you from? Nairli siz?
I’m from… Man… dan man
What’s your ethnicity? Milatingiz now?
Are you married? (for men) Uilanganmisiz?
Are you married? (for women) Aira chikganmisiz?
Do you have children? Bolangiz borma?
I have (one) son Manda (bir) oglum bor
I have (three) daughters Manda (ooch) kizum bor
Do you have any brothers or Sisters? Ukangiz borma?
I have (two) older sisters Manda (ikki) abkam bor
I have (four) younger sisters Manda (dirt) kiz ukam bor
I have (one) older brother Manda (bir) agham bor
I have (three) younger brothers Manda (ooch) ukam bor
Do you have any family photos? Sizne oilangisni rasima borma?
What is your profession? Now ishatasiz?
I’m a (teacher) Man (octoochi) man

I’m happy Man suvendum
I’m feeling sick Man kassal buldum
I’m angry Man haffa buldum
I’m tired Man haradum
I’m bored Ichim Kiselda
I’m sad Ichim owshdi

Getting Around
Could you help me, I’m lost Menga yolni gursat bering
How can I get to (the toilet) Nechab toileta borsa buladi
I need a bus to Bukhara Manga avtobus Bukharago getadovn
I need to go to Tashkent Man Tashkentga borishm gerak
Where do taxis to Nukus leave from? Naerdan Nukusa taxilar getadi?
What time will we leave? Saat nechida getamiz?
How many kilometers away? Necha kilometer buladi?
Is it far? Uzokmi?
No it’s close
Yok, yakin
Could you wake me up when we get there? Kachon gelsak mene truzing
Can I go there by foot? Pioda borsa bulami?
How much should I pay to (Nukus)? (Nukus)a necha som berin?
Stop here please Sherda doktatib bering
How often does the (plane) leave? (Samalotlar) kachon buladi?
How much is a ticket? Bilet necha som buladi
Can I make a reservation? Billet buyurjak adim
I need a return ticket Manga borish gelish billeti gerak

Which way? Nechiq yol?
Can you show me? Manga gursatib bering?
Go straight Dora boring
Then turn right Kayin onga aylanasiz
Then turn left Kayin chapa aylanasiz
It’s near to… …dan yakin
It’s opposite… … eldinda
It’s over there Oo anverda

Do you know a good hotel? Sizga yakshe mehmon-hona bilasmi?
Do you have empty rooms? Dursak bulami?
Can you show us the rooms Siz honalar gorsatib bilasmi?
Do you have any other rooms? Boshka xona bormi?
How much is one night? Bir gun necha som buladi?
Is it the same price for two people sharing? Ikki odam bir honada bulsa arzon bulami?
Will you give a discount if we stay longer? Biz cop vakt kolsak arzon bulami?
Does that include breakfast? Azanda ovkat ham bulami?
We want to eat at (seven) Biz soat (yeddi)da obkat yeemiz
How much is one night without food? Bir gun ovkatsiz necha som buladi?
Can you give me the key Kilitne bering
I want to stay for (three) nights Man (ooch) gun kolaman
Do you also serve lunch and supper? Siz ham abitki ham getchki ovkat berasmi?
I’m tired Ookhum gelde
Where is the bathroom? Bani nearda?
Is there always hot water? Hama vakt issik su bulami?
There’s no water Hozer su yok
The room is too hot Shu hona dm issik ekan
The room is too cold Shu hona dm sowk ekan
Can I stay for another night? Man yana bir gun kolsam bulami?
Could I sleep outside? Man kochada yotsam bulami?
Do you have a towel? Platinsa borma?
Could I have another blanket Yan bir korpa berasmi?
Thanks for being such great hosts Mehmon gelish yakshe goraslar

What food do you have? Now ovkat bor?
Do you have a menu? Roikhat yokemi?
Do you have food without meat? Etsiz ovkat bormi?
I don’t speak Uzbek Man Uzbekcha bilm man
Could you show us the different dishes? Obkat solip bering
Do you have any dishes unique to Khorezm? Milli Khorezmlik ovkat bormi?
I don’t like oily food do you have…? Yogli ovkat yeemiman … bormi?
Can I have a small portion Manga ozqiner ovkat bering
Can we have another one Bizlari yana aik keling
Breakfast Azanda Choi
Lunch Abit
Supper Getchki ovkat
I’m not hungry Och emas man
I’m hungry Man och buldim
I’m full Man doydim

Nuisances and Annoyances
Go away! Ey getai!
Have you no shame? Uyalmeesmi?
I’m upset Koratdum
Stop it! Durung!
That’s very rude Tartib siz!
Don’t ask me again Mendan yana suram mang
No, I don’t want to Yok, man holam mang
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Tour Links
‘Carpet Shop’
‘Execution Square’
‘Okh Mosque’
‘The Bazaar’
‘Juma Mosque’
‘Kutlaq Murad Inaq Madrassah’
‘Mohammed Amin Khan Madrassah Hotel’
‘Hotel Arkanchi’
‘The Summer Palace Hotel’
‘The Khorezm Hotel’
‘Yurt Restaurant and B&B’‘Miras B&B’
‘Mirzabashi B&B’
‘Matinyaz Divanbegi Madrassah’
‘The Blue Dome Restaurant’
‘The Ota Darvasa Teahouse’
‘Bakcha Darvasa’